
23rd January 2001:
Meeting with Lord Mayor of Bochum, Mr Ernst Otto Stueber
How can a small town like Bochum support cultural
activities in countries like the Tchad? |
Suggestion of providing an office and an internet
domain. |
Mr Stueber wanted to support the project as much
as possible, showed a lot of interest in the idea
26th January 2001: Meeting with
the Federal President of Germany, Mr Johannes Rau (Bellevue Palace, Berlin)
Mr Rau confirmed his interest in the Qafila-t-as-Salam
as-Salam, and especially expressed his liking of what he called: "the
philosophy of slowness" this project implies |
The Federal President agreed to being named
as a reference |
Continuously remains updated about the further
development of the project
13th February 2001: Meeting with
the German Minister of Justice and Vice President of the Social Democratic
Party (SDP), Mrs Herta Daeubler-Gmelin
She was very enthusiastic about the
idea of doing new cave drawings and stated |
that our CD Roms may be lasting
about 10 years, while cave drawing will still be there in 10.000 years |
Regarding the request of realizing
a meeting of experts with the help of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
(SDP) , Mrs Daeubler-Gmelin immediately contacted the President
of the Cultural Committee of the German Bundestag, Mrs Monika Griefahn
Mr Wackernagel met
Mrs Griefahn the same day.
She confirmed her support regarding
the following two aspects: |
Taking up the Qafila-t-as-Salam to the United
Nations Lable "Dialogue among the Civilizations - 2001" |
Realization of the meeting of experts
30th April 2001: Meeting with the
Minister President of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Wolfgang Clement
further request for the meeting of experts |
Answer: "In politics you are always given
promises that are not kept. From my office, you will get an answer
within two weeks."
05th May 2001: The Qafila-t-as-Salam
as an official project under the United Nations Lable "Dialogue
among the Civilizations - 2001" through mediation of Monica Griefahns
Office, Mr Dirk Beusch
14th May 2001: Telephone call by
Wolfgang Clement's Office, Mr Klaus Brueckner, who asked for a meeting regarding
details for the meeting of experts
22nd June 2001: Meeting at the central
office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bonn. Participants: Mr Klaus
Brueckner (State Chancellory of Nordrhein-Westfalen), Mr Reinhard Weil (Friedrich
Ebert Foundation), Mr Volker Pigors (Qafila-t-as-Salam Producer), Mr Wackernagel.
Result: The meeting of experts will take place
in the Kurt Schumacher Academy of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in
Bad Muenstereifel
28th June 2001: Second German UNESCO
Conference regarding the United Nations Year Dialogue among the Civilizations
- 2001. Contact with Mr Hans-Heinrich Wrede, Foreign Office of the Federal
Republic of Germany, Department of Global Affairs
offer for cooperation, |
made the contact to Mr Hans D'Orville, member
of the UN Headquarters in Paris
07th - 09th September 2001: Meeting
of 12 experts in the Kurt Schumacher Academy of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
in Bad Muenstereifel
feasibility study
04th October 2001: Meeting with
Mr Hans-Heinrich Wrede, Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany,
Department of Global Affairs |
Initialized by the Foreign Office, a meeting
will take place with representatives of the embassies of the four
host countries of the Qafila-t-as-Salam, i. e. Libya, Tchad, Sudan, Uganda
07th November 2001: Second meeting
with the President of the Cultural Committee of the German Bundestag, Mrs
Monika Griefahn
regarding sponsoring / contacts
23rd January 2002:
Multimedia Presentation of the Qafila-t-as-Salam at - and in cooperation
with - the Goethe Institute Berlin |
audience: politicians, economists, journalists
great interest (130 visitors)
statement of the Ambassador of the Republic of
Sudan 1. page
no public results
no activities from the German political side
July 2002: meeting of the Qafila-t-as-Salam
team see status
August 2002: producing a 5 minutes
film presenting the Qafila-t-as-Salam
11.September 2002: presentation
at the German energy-trust RWE, Dortmund |
no further results
15. January 2003: meeting with Sheick
Oumar Sissoko, Minister of culture in the Republic of Mali |
great interest and political support
starting discussions to change the route
9. Mai 2003: meeting with the Libyan
Ambassador in Germany |
no further results
27. Sept. 2003: meeting with Wolfgang
Clement, the German Minister for Economy and Labour |
new plan: asking 10 German companies to give
each 10 millions to support the Qafila-t-as-Salam
19. Dec. 2003: letter from the German
Minister Wolfgang Clement to his collegue Joschka Fischer, German Minister
of Foreign Affairs, to support the caravan
January 2004: Fischer refuses support |